Introduction to my Focus Group

On this page I have displayed the members of my focus group that I will be using throughout my research into school and music magazines. The information and knowledge that I hope to gain of media consumption and various magazine opinions will help me to create final products that will appeal to my target audience. I shall decide my particular target audience at a later date and it may appear that I will choose a different audience for each of the magazine categories.

My Focus Group Questionaire Questions

1) Are you currently a student?

2) (If the answer to the previous question is Yes then please answer this question.) Do you attend a school or college?

3) (If the answer to question 1 is Yes then please answer the following question.) What subjects are you currently studying?

4) (If the answer to question 1 is Yes then please answer the following question.) What qualification of course are you currently studying? e.g. B-Tech, A-Level.

5) (If the answer to question 1 is Yes then please answer the following question.) What is your favorite subject?

6) How do you travel to school, college or work?

7) Do you have either a part time or full time job? If yes please describe.

8) How much money do you earn on average over a period of a month? Or how much pocket money do you receive if you receive any?

9) Do you plan to go onto further education after your current education, i.e. University? And if Yes then please describe which subject you wish to study.

10) Do you attend any clubs or organized events in or out of school/ college?

11) What hobbies or interests do you have?

12) Does your school/college have a magazine?

13) (If the answer to the previous question is Yes then please answer the following question.) Do you regularly read the school magazine?

14) How often do you read a magazine?

15) What magazine in particular do you consume?

16) What would you like to see featured in a student magazine?

17) How much money would you pay for a school/ student magazine?

Thursday 5 November 2009

My Blog Introduction Podcast

Here is the introduction to my blog in a podcast form.