Introduction to my Focus Group

On this page I have displayed the members of my focus group that I will be using throughout my research into school and music magazines. The information and knowledge that I hope to gain of media consumption and various magazine opinions will help me to create final products that will appeal to my target audience. I shall decide my particular target audience at a later date and it may appear that I will choose a different audience for each of the magazine categories.

My Focus Group Questionaire Questions

1) Are you currently a student?

2) (If the answer to the previous question is Yes then please answer this question.) Do you attend a school or college?

3) (If the answer to question 1 is Yes then please answer the following question.) What subjects are you currently studying?

4) (If the answer to question 1 is Yes then please answer the following question.) What qualification of course are you currently studying? e.g. B-Tech, A-Level.

5) (If the answer to question 1 is Yes then please answer the following question.) What is your favorite subject?

6) How do you travel to school, college or work?

7) Do you have either a part time or full time job? If yes please describe.

8) How much money do you earn on average over a period of a month? Or how much pocket money do you receive if you receive any?

9) Do you plan to go onto further education after your current education, i.e. University? And if Yes then please describe which subject you wish to study.

10) Do you attend any clubs or organized events in or out of school/ college?

11) What hobbies or interests do you have?

12) Does your school/college have a magazine?

13) (If the answer to the previous question is Yes then please answer the following question.) Do you regularly read the school magazine?

14) How often do you read a magazine?

15) What magazine in particular do you consume?

16) What would you like to see featured in a student magazine?

17) How much money would you pay for a school/ student magazine?

Thursday 5 November 2009

My Blog Introduction Podcast

Here is the introduction to my blog in a podcast form.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Focus Group Member:

Focus Group Member: Toby Scoffield

Toby Scoffield is 16 years of age.
Toby has a keen interest in a variety of sports, Toby's favorite sport that he plays is rugby. Toby is high opinionated and has a good general and academic knowledge. Unfortunately Toby is unsure of many of media codes and conventions but I feel that this could work to my advantage. I will be able to extract a true, raw opinion from Toby and this will enable me to visualize what the consumer audience would want.
Toby will be a strong member of my focus group as he will always be able to express himself and display his opinion on any matters of my research. The results that I hope to gain from Toby will be of key significance to my research and objective.

Toby's Answers to my questionnaire:

- Toby is a student and attends sixth form. He studies Business, Economics, Geology and ICT. They are all A-level qualifications and his favorite and most preferred subject would be Geology.
- Toby travels to school via a car share from a friend.
- He is currently un-employed but plans to seek for a job in the near future.
- Although Toby has no job he does receive a monthly pocket money sum.
- At this moment in time, Toby has not planned or prepared for University.
- Toby's activities consist of:
Rugby Training outside of school, basketball inside school, tennis, gym training and more recently swimming.

- Toby reads a magazine once a week.
- He prefers to read either 'Nuts' magazine or a rugby based magazine.
- Toby believes that a student magazine should include a variety of topics and subjects that change on a regular basis. The magazine could include, interesting facts, current affairs, latest news, fashion, celebrity news, history extracts and comical articles.
- Toby feels that a fair price for a magazine of this sort could be priced at a maximum of £2.

Monday 28 September 2009

Focus Group Member: Joshua Ellis

Joshua Ellis is 16 years of age.
He enjoys gaming and listening to music. He keeps a keen interest in technology and recent development and research in latest technology and gaming. He often reads the "official Playstation" magazine, although he only purchases the magazine if there has been a development of an interesting subject associated with gaming and technology. Josh likes to keep 'up-to-date' with the latest technology and apps (applications).

Josh has a good understanding and general knowledge of media and the media industry.
I believe that Josh will be a good member of my focus group as he has a variety of knowledge within the media and technology industry. Therefore I will gain a good variety of opinion and knowledge from Josh and this will benefit my research.

Josh's answers to my questionnaire:

- Josh is currently a student at a local Grammar School sixth form. He studies Business and Economics, Biology, Media Studies and Chemistry. All his subjects are A-level qualifications.
Josh's favorite subject is Biology.
- Josh regularly travels to school on a balance of taking a lift by car or part driving, part walking.
- Josh is currently un-employed but he does receive pocket money.
- He has no thoughts or plans for university or further education at this time.
- Josh does attend frequent airsofting matches which he thoroughly enjoys.
- He enjoys cycling, games, current affairs and socializing.

- There is a form of news letter produced at his school and he sometimes reads this for relevant information.
- He rarely consumes magazines but he does read the 'Official Playstation' magazine.
- Josh feels that a section about school news would benefit in a school magazine.
- He most likely would not purchase a student or school magazine if it had a price.

Focus Group Member: Christopher Bourne

Chris Bourne is 16 years of age.
His hobbies include playing his guitar, composing music, skate boarding and socializing with friends. Through Chris' interest in music, he often uses various means of technology and media to enable him to create his music. Chris has a keen interest in the music industry and hopes to develop his skills further in time to come. Chris has a wide amount of knowledge of how the music industry operates and understands what particular audiences of looking for in the music world.
I believe that Chris will be able to provide me with an efficient amount of valuable information and opinion when creating my music magazine. His knowledge and interests will allow me to ask various questions and incorporate them into my final product.