Toby Scoffield is 16 years of age.
Toby has a keen interest in a variety of sports, Toby's favorite sport that he plays is rugby. Toby is high opinionated and has a good general and academic knowledge. Unfortunately Toby is unsure of many of media codes and conventions but I feel that this could work to my advantage. I will be able to extract a true, raw opinion from Toby and this will enable me to visualize what the consumer audience would want.
Toby will be a strong member of my focus group as he will always be able to express himself and display his opinion on any matters of my research. The results that I hope to gain from Toby will be of key significance to my research and objective.
Toby's Answers to my questionnaire:
- Toby is a student and attends sixth form. He studies Business, Economics, Geology and ICT. They are all A-level qualifications and his favorite and most preferred subject would be Geology.
- Toby travels to school via a car share from a friend.
- He is currently un-employed but plans to seek for a job in the near future.
- Although Toby has no job he does receive a monthly pocket money sum.
- At this moment in time, Toby has not planned or prepared for University.
- Toby's activities consist of:
Rugby Training outside of school, basketball inside school, tennis, gym training and more recently swimming.
- Toby reads a magazine once a week.
- He prefers to read either 'Nuts' magazine or a rugby based magazine.
- Toby believes that a student magazine should include a variety of topics and subjects that change on a regular basis. The magazine could include, interesting facts, current affairs, latest news, fashion, celebrity news, history extracts and comical articles.
- Toby feels that a fair price for a magazine of this sort could be priced at a maximum of £2.
- Toby is a student and attends sixth form. He studies Business, Economics, Geology and ICT. They are all A-level qualifications and his favorite and most preferred subject would be Geology.
- Toby travels to school via a car share from a friend.
- He is currently un-employed but plans to seek for a job in the near future.
- Although Toby has no job he does receive a monthly pocket money sum.
- At this moment in time, Toby has not planned or prepared for University.
- Toby's activities consist of:
Rugby Training outside of school, basketball inside school, tennis, gym training and more recently swimming.
- Toby reads a magazine once a week.
- He prefers to read either 'Nuts' magazine or a rugby based magazine.
- Toby believes that a student magazine should include a variety of topics and subjects that change on a regular basis. The magazine could include, interesting facts, current affairs, latest news, fashion, celebrity news, history extracts and comical articles.
- Toby feels that a fair price for a magazine of this sort could be priced at a maximum of £2.